S07L20 – Packages in Java continues

Packages in Java: Importing and Managing Classes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Role of Packages in Java
  3. Importing Classes: The Correct Approach
  4. Importance of Package Consistency
  5. Example Code and Explanation
  6. Conclusion

Java packages provide a mechanism to group related classes, interfaces, and sub-packages, making the code more modular and easier to maintain.
In this article, we will continue our exploration of packages in Java. We will discuss how to import classes properly, the importance of package consistency,
and the correct usage of import statements. Additionally, we will explore the role of wildcard imports and how they function within the package structure.

2. The Role of Packages in Java

A Java package is a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces. By grouping related classes, packages provide code reusability and avoid name conflicts.
Packages are essential for organizing code in large-scale Java applications, where many classes may have the same names but reside in different packages.

When defining a class inside a package, it’s crucial to declare the package at the top of the Java file using the package keyword.
For instance, the following code shows how a package is declared for a Home.java class:

Without this declaration, Java will throw errors, as it will not understand the context or location of the class within the project structure.

3. Importing Classes: The Correct Approach

When importing classes from different packages, two primary approaches can be used:

    • Importing Specific Classes: You can import individual classes from a package using the import statement. This is the most common practice, as it improves code readability and makes it clear which classes are being used.

    • Wildcard Imports: Java allows you to import all classes from a package using a wildcard (*), which imports every class in the specified package. While this may seem convenient, it is generally discouraged as it can lead to ambiguous code and unnecessary memory overhead.

Key Consideration:

Using specific imports over wildcard imports is a best practice. However, if two classes have the same name but belong to different packages, Java requires you to either fully qualify the class name or specify the full package path to avoid ambiguity.

4. Importance of Package Consistency

Java enforces strict consistency between the package declaration and the file’s location within the project directory structure. If the package declaration doesn’t match the file’s actual location, Java will throw an error.

For instance, if a class belongs to the package org.studyeasy.blog, it must reside in a corresponding directory structure:

If you move the file to a different folder or fail to update the package declaration, Java will start complaining about the inconsistency between the declared package and the actual file location.

5. Example Code and Explanation

Below is a simple Java program that demonstrates the correct use of packages and imports:

Now, in the Main.java file, we import the Home class and use it in our application:


  • Package Declaration: The Home.java file belongs to the org.studyeasy.blog package. This ensures the class is placed in the correct directory and is easily accessible from other files that import it.
  • Import Statement: In the Main.java file, we use an import statement to bring the Home class from the org.studyeasy.blog package into our file.
  • Wildcard Imports: If we had many classes in the org.studyeasy.blog package and wanted to import them all, we could have used a wildcard import (import org.studyeasy.blog.*;). However, importing specific classes is preferable for clarity and avoiding ambiguity.

6. Conclusion

Java packages are an essential feature for organizing and structuring your code. Proper use of packages ensures that your code is modular, reusable, and easy to maintain.
While importing classes, it is always better to use specific imports to enhance code readability and avoid potential conflicts.
Additionally, maintaining consistency between the package declaration and file location is critical for smooth project compilation and execution.