S06L10 – Inheritance 03 – Access getter and setter of classes

Java Inheritance Getters and Setters

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Java inheritance is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming that enables one class to inherit properties and behaviors from another. Consequently, managing access to these inherited properties is crucial, particularly when ensuring data encapsulation. In this guide, we will delve into how to effectively use getters and setters within Java inheritance, enhancing both code maintainability and readability.

2. Understanding Getters and Setters in Java

Getters and setters are essential methods in Java used to access and modify private fields of a class. By employing these methods, developers can control how class attributes are accessed and updated, thereby enforcing encapsulation.

  • Getter: A method that retrieves the value of a private field.
  • Setter: A method that updates the value of a private field.


For more details, refer to the official Oracle documentation on methods.

3. Inheritance and Private Fields

When a subclass inherits from a parent class, it does not gain direct access to the parent’s private fields. Instead, subclasses interact with these fields through public getters and setters. This approach maintains encapsulation by ensuring that private fields remain protected from unintended modifications.

Java strictly enforces access restrictions on private members. However, it allows inherited public methods, including getters and setters, to be accessed by child classes. This mechanism facilitates controlled interaction with the parent class’s data.

Learn more about Java inheritance from Oracle.

4. Accessing Parent Class Getters and Setters

If a parent class contains private fields accompanied by public getters and setters, child classes can utilize these methods to access or modify the parent’s fields. This strategy upholds encapsulation while allowing subclasses to work with inherited data seamlessly.

Example Use Case:

Consider a parent class Vehicle that has private fields such as wheels, fuelTank, and lights. A child class Bike inherits from Vehicle and accesses these private fields using the provided getters.

Attempting to access these private fields directly will result in a compilation error. Therefore, utilizing the parent class’s getters ensures safe and controlled access to these fields.

5. Code Examples

5.1. Main Class

Let’s examine how the Bike class accesses inherited fields from the Vehicle class using getters.


In this example, the Bike class employs inherited getters from the Vehicle class to access the values of fuelTank and wheels. This approach ensures that the private fields remain encapsulated while still being accessible to the subclass.

5.2. Private Fields in the Vehicle Class

The Vehicle class defines private fields and provides public getters and setters to manage these fields.


Here, the Vehicle class encapsulates its fields by declaring them as private. Public getters and setters provide controlled access to these fields, allowing subclasses like Bike to interact with them without compromising encapsulation.

For more information, visit the Oracle guide on access control.

6. Best Practices

  • Encapsulation: Always declare fields as private and provide public getters and setters. This practice safeguards your data from unintended external modifications.
  • Inheritance: Utilize getters and setters to access parent class fields in child classes. This maintains encapsulation while allowing controlled interaction with inherited properties.
  • Constructor Overloading: Overload constructors in both parent and child classes to offer multiple ways of initializing objects, adhering to encapsulation best practices.
  • Use of @Override: When overriding methods in subclasses, use the @Override annotation to enhance code clarity and prevent errors.
  • Consistent Naming Conventions: Follow consistent naming conventions for getters and setters to improve code readability and maintainability.

7. Conclusion

Inheritance and encapsulation are pivotal principles in object-oriented programming. While inheritance promotes code reuse, encapsulation ensures that your data remains protected and accessible only through well-defined interfaces like getters and setters. By effectively combining these concepts, you can develop Java applications that are both modular and maintainable.

Utilizing getters and setters to access parent class fields facilitates safe and controlled data manipulation in subclasses. This approach is essential for writing clean, robust, and scalable Java code.

For further reading, refer to the official Oracle documentation on inheritance.