S06L05 – Run Java Class methods

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Java Class Methods
  3. Creating and Using Class Methods in Java
  4. Implementing the Car Class
  5. Running the Main Class
  6. Conclusion


Welcome to the Java Class Methods Tutorial. Java methods are fundamental building blocks in object-oriented programming (OOP). They enable developers to define specific functionalities within classes, promoting code reusability and modularity. By mastering Java class methods, you can write efficient and maintainable Java applications. In this article, we will guide you through creating and using class methods with practical examples, focusing on a simple Car class.

1. Understanding Java Class Methods

In Java, methods are defined within a class and represent the behaviors of objects instantiated from that class. They perform operations, return values, and manipulate the class’s data attributes. Let’s break down the components of a Java method:

Syntax of a Method

Components of a Method

  • Access Modifier: Specifies the visibility of the method (e.g., public, private).
  • Return Type: Indicates the type of value the method returns (e.g., int, String, or void if no value is returned).
  • Method Name: A unique identifier for the method.
  • Parameters: Input values that the method can utilize.
  • Method Body: Contains the executable code of the method.

For a more detailed overview, refer to the official Oracle Java Methods Documentation.

2. Creating and Using Class Methods in Java

Defining the Car Class

Let’s create a Car class with attributes like doors, engine, driver, and speed. Additionally, we’ll include getter and setter methods to access and modify these attributes. This approach follows the principles of encapsulation, ensuring data integrity.

Example: Car.java

In this Car class, each attribute has corresponding getter and setter methods. For instance, the setSpeed(int speed) method allows you to set the car’s speed, while the getSpeed() method retrieves the current speed.

For more insights into encapsulation and class methods, visit the Oracle Java Encapsulation Guide.

Implementing the Main Class

The Main class serves as the entry point for the Java application. It demonstrates how to create an instance of the Car class and utilize its methods to manipulate and retrieve attribute values.

Example: Main.java

In the Main class, we instantiate a new Car object and set its attributes using the setter methods. Subsequently, we retrieve and print these values using the getter methods.

To learn more about the main method and application entry points, refer to the Oracle Java Application Tutorials.

Key Points:

  • The setDoors(), setDriver(), setEngine(), and setSpeed() methods assign values to the Car object’s attributes.
  • The getSpeed(), getDoors(), getDriver(), and getEngine() methods retrieve and display the current state of the Car object.

3. Implementing the Car Class

The Car class is a straightforward model that includes attributes such as doors, engine, driver, and speed. By utilizing encapsulation, the class protects its data and provides public getter and setter methods to interact with these private attributes.

  • Getter Methods: These methods return the current value of an attribute. For example, getSpeed() returns the car’s speed.
  • Setter Methods: These methods allow you to modify the value of an attribute. For instance, setSpeed(int speed) sets the car’s speed.

With this structure, you can effectively control how the attributes are accessed and modified, ensuring that the data remains consistent and valid throughout the application’s lifecycle.

For a deeper understanding of Java classes and objects, explore the Oracle Java Classes and Objects Tutorial.

4. Running the Main Class

Executing the Java Application

To run the Main class, follow these steps to compile and execute the Java application:


This command compiles the Main.java file, checking for any syntax errors and generating the corresponding Main.class bytecode file.


Executing this command runs the compiled Java application. The Main class’s main method is invoked, which in turn interacts with the Car class methods.

Expected Output

Upon running the Main class, the console should display the following output:

This output showcases the state of the Car object after setting its attributes using the setter methods. Each System.out.println() statement retrieves and prints the corresponding attribute value.


In this Java Class Methods Tutorial, we delved into the fundamentals of Java class methods, exploring their implementation and practical usage through a hands-on example with the Car class. By understanding how to create and utilize getter and setter methods, you can build more robust and maintainable Java applications. Remember to leverage encapsulation to protect your data and ensure the integrity of your classes.

As you advance, consider exploring more complex topics such as method overloading, inheritance, and polymorphism to further enhance your Java programming skills.