S06L08 – Inheritance 01 – Understanding inheritance in programming

Understand Inheritance in Java Programming

Table of Contents


Inheritance in Java is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP). It allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class, thereby promoting code reusability and establishing a hierarchical class structure. Grasping inheritance in Java is essential for developing robust and maintainable applications.

In this article, we will dive deep into inheritance in Java. We will cover its definition, advantages, various types, and provide practical examples to enhance your understanding.

Key Points:

  • Definition of inheritance and its significance in OOP.
  • Benefits of using inheritance in Java.
  • Types of inheritance and their practical applications.
  • Implementation of inheritance in Java with detailed examples.

Chapter 1: What is Inheritance?

Inheritance is a mechanism in Java that allows one class to acquire the properties and behaviors (methods) of another class. This mechanism establishes a parent-child relationship between classes, facilitating a logical hierarchy.


In Java, the class that inherits the properties is known as the subclass or child class, while the class whose properties are inherited is called the superclass or parent class. This relationship is instrumental in creating a structured and logical class hierarchy.


Consider a generic class Animal with properties like name and age. We can create specific subclasses such as Dog and Cat that inherit these properties and add their unique characteristics.

Chapter 2: Benefits and Use Cases of Inheritance


  • Code Reusability: Inheritance allows subclasses to reuse code from superclasses, reducing redundancy and enhancing maintainability.
  • Method Overriding: Subclasses can provide specific implementations for methods defined in the superclass, enabling dynamic behavior.
  • Polymorphism: Inheritance supports polymorphism, allowing a subclass to be treated as an instance of its superclass, which is crucial for flexible code design.

Use Cases:

  • GUI Frameworks: Base component classes can be extended to create specific UI elements like buttons, labels, and text fields.
  • Game Development: A base class for all characters can be extended to create specific types like heroes, enemies, and NPCs.
  • Vehicle Management Systems: A base Vehicle class can be extended to create specific vehicles like Car, Truck, and Motorcycle.

Chapter 3: Implementing Inheritance in Java

Syntax and Example:

Implementing inheritance in Java involves using the extends keyword. Below is a simple example demonstrating how to establish an inheritance relationship between two classes:



  • The Animal class serves as the superclass, containing common properties such as name and age, and a method displayInfo() to display these properties.
  • The Dog class is the subclass that extends Animal, inheriting its properties and methods. Additionally, it introduces a new property breed and a method bark() specific to dogs.
  • In the Main class, we create an instance of Dog named myDog. We set the inherited properties name and age, as well as the subclass-specific property breed. When we call displayInfo(), it executes the inherited method from Animal, displaying the name and age. The bark() method is unique to the Dog class, hence it prints “Woof! Woof!”.

Chapter 4: Types of Inheritance in Java

Java supports several types of inheritance, each serving different purposes in software design:

  • Single Inheritance: A class inherits from one superclass. This is the most common form of inheritance and helps in maintaining simplicity.
  • Multilevel Inheritance: A class inherits from a class that is already a subclass, forming a multi-tiered hierarchy.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple classes inherit from a single superclass, allowing for shared behaviors across different subclasses.

Note: Java does not support multiple inheritance (where a class inherits from multiple classes) to avoid complexity and ambiguity. However, multiple inheritance can be achieved using interfaces, providing flexibility while maintaining clarity.

Chapter 5: Overriding and Hiding Methods

Method Overriding:

Method overriding occurs when a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass. This feature allows subclasses to define behaviors that are tailored to their specific needs, enhancing the flexibility of the code.




  • The Animal class defines a method sound() that prints a generic animal sound.
  • The Dog subclass overrides the sound() method to provide a specific implementation that prints “Barks”.
  • In the Main class, when we create an instance of Animal, calling sound() outputs the generic sound. However, when we create an instance of Dog and assign it to an Animal reference, calling sound() invokes the overridden method in Dog, resulting in “Barks”.

Method Hiding:

Method hiding occurs when a subclass defines a static method with the same signature as a static method in the superclass. Unlike method overriding, method hiding does not support dynamic binding.




  • Both Parent and Child classes have a static method named display().
  • When calling Parent.display(), it executes the method in the Parent class.
  • Similarly, Child.display() executes the method in the Child class.
  • When a Child object is referenced by a Parent type variable and display() is called, the Parent class method is invoked. This is because static methods are bound at compile-time, and method hiding does not support polymorphism.

Chapter 6: Best Practices for Using Inheritance

  • Use Inheritance for “is-a” Relationships: Ensure that inheritance represents a true “is-a” relationship. For example, a Dog is an Animal, making inheritance appropriate.
  • Favor Composition Over Inheritance: When a relationship does not naturally fit the “is-a” paradigm, prefer composition. For instance, a Car has an Engine, rather than a Car being an Engine.
  • Avoid Deep Inheritance Trees: Keep inheritance hierarchies shallow to prevent complexity and enhance maintainability.
  • Encapsulate Superclass Fields: Use access modifiers to protect superclass fields, promoting encapsulation and reducing tight coupling.
  • Leverage Abstract Classes and Interfaces: Use abstract classes and interfaces to define contracts and promote flexibility in your inheritance structures.


Inheritance in Java is a powerful feature that enables developers to create a logical class hierarchy and promote code reuse. By mastering inheritance, you can build more flexible, maintainable, and scalable applications. However, it’s crucial to use inheritance judiciously and consider composition when it leads to a more natural and less complex design.

For more information on inheritance and other object-oriented principles in Java, visit the official Oracle Java Documentation.